Seminarium: Using the Unity engine for dynamic visualization


Zapraszamy na wspólne seminarium Katedry Informatyki i Inżynierii Systemów na Wydziale Informatyki i Zarządzania Politechniki Wrocławskiej, Centrum Technik Informatycznych WIT, Zakładu Wspomagania Decyzji w Warunkach Ryzyka IBS PAN.

Podczas spotkania Przemysław Juszczuk i Janusz Miroforidis przedstawią referat pt. Using the Unity engine for dynamic visualization.

The gaming industry is one of the most rapidly growing digital entertainment sectors. For its needs, various development tools, including game engines, have been developed over decades. These engines, which are extremely complex software, are used to dynamically visualize 3D and 2D objects with very complex shapes and handle their interactions. However, applications of game engines need not be limited to computer games.
In the seminar, we will give a brief introduction to the free Unity engine. We will show how to create a scene filled with 3D objects, move around it, and handle object collisions. We will also show the following two prototype solutions that we are working on: multi-criteria decision-making support and dynamic visualization of medical imaging data. At the very least, these applications built on the Unity engine can have educational value.

Seminarium odbędzie się 10 kwietnia 2024 (środa) o godzinie 13:15 za pośrednictwem platformy Skype: link do spotkania.

Seminarium: Using the Unity engine for dynamic visualization